Author Archives: Adam Oded

About Adam Oded

A person with a smartphone.

Crazy People On SEPTA

Why was I late to work today?

wpid-IMG_20140317_212032.jpgBecause of crazy people on SEPTA!

I ride the 15 Trolley about 4 days a week. They are beautiful vehicles! The original design for these trolleys was from the 1930s, and the guts are totally remade for the modern era. It’s often the favorite part of my commute. Unfortunately, the trolley connects rough neighborhoods with rougher ones.  There are people on the nod, on the way to or from the Methadone Clinic or, like me, on their way to and from work.  This morning I was witness to some real craziness, and after the trolley stood motionless for a good 5 minutes, I decided to record what was going on.

So I now present to you:

Crazy People on SEPTA (The Video)