The Morning
Super morning watching The Incredibles with my sons.
— mennu (@mennu) December 31, 2017
Coloring pages were a hit! Especially the last minute ancient Egypt stuff. And with that, New Year’s Eve party phase 1 is over. Time to regroup for phase 2.
— mennu (@mennu) December 31, 2017
Click here for a New Year’s Eve Coloring Book.
Brunch Playlist
Not one of my own!
Got a lot of compliments, but deferred them all to Jonah Brenner: musician, college student and half of the JewTwins.
And now it’s time for a break!
Listening to Steely Dan and watching football. Life is sweet.
— mennu (@mennu) December 31, 2017
Power nap!
— mennu (@mennu) December 31, 2017
Dance Party Highlights
New Year’s Eve Playlist
Flight of the Bublebee appears once on this list but was actually played multiple times.
Some tracks were not available on Spotify.
Like this one:
[bandcamp width=100% height=120 album=3972092319 size=large bgcol=ffffff linkcol=0687f5 tracklist=false artwork=small track=3269291739]
New Year’s Day
Murray New Year!
— mennu (@mennu) January 1, 2018